This section of the website is devoted to P. ramorum-related issues critical to nurseries, independent growers, and related plant-care/plant propagation industries. Scroll down to see the full list of resources available. See the full Nursery Chronology in our Library.
Nursery Diagnostic Guides:
- Nursery Guide for Diseases of Phytophthora ramorum on Ornamentals: Diagnosis and Management Steven A. Tjosvold and Karl R. Buermeyer: UC Cooperative Extension; Cheryl Blomquist: California Department of Food and Agriculture; Susan Frankel: USDA Forest Service. (2005)
- Phytophthora ramorum – a guide for Oregon nurseries Jennifer Parke and Jay Pscheidt, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oreg on State University; Robert Linderman, USDA-ARS, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory. (December 2003)
- Phytophthora ramorum – a guide for Washington nurseries Jennifer Parke and Jay Pscheidt, Dept. of Botony and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University; Robert Linderman, USDA-ARS, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory. (June 2004)
Nursery Best Management Practices: These Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are designed to control or eliminate the diseases caused by P. ramorum.
Trainings and Professional Education for Nurseries:
- Phytophthora online course: Training for Nursery Growers – Provided by Oregon State University; offered through OSU Extended Campus in partnership with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, this online course provides training about Phytophthora, so that you can reduce the risk of Phytophthora disease in your nursery.
- Washington State University resources – There are a variety of resources available from WSU including publications for download and online trainings.
- Sudden oak death and ramorum blight – Provided by, 2008; this webpage provides an overview of sudden oak death and ramorum blight as part of APS’s Plant Health Instructor series. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2008-0227-01
- Phytophthora ramorum – Educate to Detect (PRED) – 2004; this PowerPoint slideshow was intended to educate first responders and Master Gardeners nationwide on P. ramorum diagnosis and sampling. It includes many photographs of symptomatic plants and focuses on horticultural varieties that are commonly sold around the country.
- Information on Phythophthora tentaculata
Nursery Photos – Symptoms:
- Find photos of symptomatic host plants in COMTF’s photo gallery
- View the Symptom Guide for Nursery Inspections, courtesy of the Alameda County Department of Agriculture
- See photo cards displaying symptoms and common look-a-likes on Rhododendron; Camellia; Pieris; Viburnum; and UK hosts
P. ramorum Nursery Research Needs Lists: Prioritized lists of research needs, from March 2008 and June 2010.
Additional resources and links
- American Hort
- Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program: Pest Tracker – National Agricultural Pest Information System.
- Ellison Chair in International Floriculture: The mission is to advance the health and vitality of the floriculture industry on a national and international scope.
- Forest Nursery Pests Handbook (2012): This handbook was prepared by a team of research scientist and pest management specialists who are experts in the field of identifying and controlling the pests of forest tree nurseries. This is a revision of Forest Nursery Pests, Agriculture Handbook No. 680, that was issued in December 1989. By Michelle Cram, Michelle Frank, Katy Mallams.
- Horticulture Research Institute: publisher of Journal of Environmental Horticulture
- National Plant Board
- National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
- North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO): Provides a forum for public and private sectors in Canada, the United States and Mexico to collaborate in the development of science-based standards intended to protect agricultural, forest and other plant resources against regulated plant pests, while facilitating trade. Participate in related international cooperative efforts.
- NORS-DUC: The National Ornamentals Research Site at Dominican University of California (NORS-DUC) is a secure site modeled to reflect a nursery for the purpose of performing studies on nursery stock in a “real world” environment.
- Oregon Association of Nurserymen (OAN): Publisher of the Digger, a free magazine for the nursery trade.
- University of California Nursery & Floriculture Alliance
- USDA Forest Nursery Notes: Winter 2013 issue covering the relationship between P. ramorum in nurseries and in forests