
Below is a collection of videos and movies included in this website or provided by outside partners:

Recordings of the COMTF 2021 Annual Meeting, held virtually over Zoom, September 21-23, 2021

Videos of nineteen presentations from the Seventh Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium held June 25-26, 2019 in The Presidio, San Francisco can be viewed at:

Matteo Garbelotto, UC ANR Cooperative Extension specialist, describes how to protect oak trees in sudden oak death-infected areas. For more information, visit

Matteo Garbelotto, UC ANR Cooperative Extension specialist, reports the results of the 2015 SOD Blitz, a citizen science project he hosts annually to survey the spread of sudden oak death. For more information, visit

Sporangia releasing zoospores

Aerial view of SOD in western Sonoma County

Video content from the 2014 online symposium “Visualizing Sudden Oak Death:”

Pathogen Pathways webinar – June 2011

Virtual Field Trip webinar – May 2011 

Video of projected Phytophthora ramorum spread in California from Meentemeyer, R. K.; Cunniffe, N. J.; Cook, A.R.; Filipe, J.A. and others. 2011. Epidemiological modeling of invasion in heterogeneous landscapes: spread of sudden oak death in California (1990-2030). Ecosphere. 2(2): 1-24.

This 3-minute film relays specific information for Master Gardeners from across the country, with special information on the National Pest Detection Network.

UC Santa Cruz Science Notes 2012 “Tracks of an oak killer” [Note that there is a error at mark 2:35 regarding European rhododendrons bringing P. ramorum to California in the 1990s, which is factually inaccurate.] – Sudden Oak Death by Erin Loury from SciCom Slugs on Vimeo.


Steve Oak, Forest Service, narrates this short overview of Chestnut blight in eastern forests, and the potential for Sudden Oak Death to do the same damage (52 seconds).

Dave Rizzo, UC Davis, provides a quick overview of the main tree species in California affected by P. ramorum (56 seconds).

An exploration of how P. ramorum spread and establishment might be related to human activity, by Hall Cushman, Sonoma State University (7 minutes 37 seconds).

Note: The above five movies are available on DVD, which can be obtained upon request by contacting
Carol Richiusa, Agriculture Dept., Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Davidson Mill Pond Park, 42 Riva Ave., North Brunswick, NJ 08902
732-398-5262, Fax 732-398-5276

Sudden Oak Death Spray Training. October 20, 2007, San Mateo County Mounted Patrol. Dr. Matteo Garbelotto, UC Berkeley Forest Pathology and Mycology Laboratory (approx. 1.5 hours)

Sudden Oak Death – A general overview of Sudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum produced by the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension (New Jersey). This 25-minute film, split into 3 clips, provides information on symptoms and hosts; risks; control techniques; and a special section on the threat to East Coast forests.

Two videos address the threat posed to plant nurseries, gardens, woodlands and countryside from two devastating Phytophthora pathogens, P. ramorum and P. kernoviae. These films were produced by the UK’s Food and Environment Research Agency and involved a wide consortium of Government and industry contributors. (1) Biosecurity – what you can do to help (2 minutes 40 seconds) is aimed at people who have little previous knowledge of plant diseases but who are interested in what they can do to help stop the spread of the diseases. (2) Phytophthora – Stop the spread (18 minutes 30 seconds) is aimed more at professionals who work in environments where the diseases may be present or that could easily be contaminated, describes the diseases in more detail and offers advice on appropriate biosecurity measures to help prevent the spread.

This 10 -minute video documents the history of Sudden Oak Death, describes its pathology, and explains what measures may prevent its spread in the future. Video courtesy of Point Reyes National Seashore.

Flyover of Marin County, May 2006: httpv://


Sudden Oak Death Overview by Dr. David Rizzo, UC Davis, on UCCE Sonoma website.



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